European Youth Culture Award

Criteria of evaluation

All applications are assessed by folowing criteria:

Thematic relevance
The entry should be concerned with youth and youth culture.
Youth play an active role in the entry’s endeavours. They are active participants and their opinion is asked. “With the youth – not about the youth” being the guiding principle.

The entry should offer a new perspective of a known subject or should be concerned with new, previously unnoticed phenomena.

Role model character
The entry should have a wide reach, that means that it reaches a lot of people. The entry can be realized in other locations and with other target audiences. e.g: An innovative youth project from a certain location, that can be transfered to many other places, a research project, that has a focus on a certain youth scene and could be applied to an other youth scene etc.


The entry indicates a special commitment on the part of the participants. e.g. when the project is carried out by volunteer work or the participants expend considerable effort and take an active role in the face of adversity to achieve their goals.

Power of change

The entry

  • offers a new perspective on youth/youth cultures and/or
  • gives youths new ways of expression or participation